1.49% transaction fee on all cards
Get up to £1,000 cashback
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Portable card machine
Small POS for your countertop
All-in-one dual‑screen POS
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Simplify serving and amplify guest satisfaction
Retail excellence — every transaction, every time
Enhanced service, elevated experiences by Clover
Tailored RFP for Growth
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Sell to anyone in multiple currencies
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Sell to anyone, in multiple currencies
Expand Your Horizons, sell Globally with Multi-Currency Support from Clover
Clover’s Multi-Currency Payment Acceptance account makes international sales simpler.
Using DCC (Dynamic Currency Conversion), you can process major credit and debit cards in all of the main trading currencies and still get paid in your own, opening up a world of new opportunities.
With Clover at the heart of your business, we’ll help take you international. Plus, enhance customer loyalty with Clover's smart POS system, capturing sales data that lets you recognise and reward your most loyal patrons. Integrated apps like LoyLap and Facilipay personalise the shopping experience, ensuring that those who frequent your business feel valued. Clover places dynamic control at your fingertips—simplifying operations and customer engagement for a business that blooms.
Sell in local currencies and get paid in your own.
Monthly reports automatically split out by currency and commission .
Receive a rebated commission for every DCC transaction made.
Dedicated UK-based customer support available 7 days a week.