1.49% transaction fee on all cards
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Portable card machine
Small POS for your countertop
All-in-one dual‑screen POS
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Retail excellence — every transaction, every time
Enhanced service, elevated experiences by Clover
Tailored RFP for Growth
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Following the merger of Fiserv and First Data in 2019, we have continued to invest in the Clover brand to create products and services that take payments beyond Point of Sale and into the future to help modern businesses thrive.
As part of this investment, Fiserv’s UK business is being rebranded as Clover. As Clover evolves we will continue to offer merchants greater functionality and control, creating a complete business solution.
You're currently visiting our dedicated UK merchant site, which contains all the information you need on how to buy, use and manage the merchant services we provide. If you'd like to learn more about our company, please visit our Fiserv.com global site.