1.49% transaction fee on all cards
Get up to £1,000 cashback
Find the right solution to power your business
Portable card machine
Small POS for your countertop
All-in-one dual‑screen POS
Take your business online
Simplify serving and amplify guest satisfaction
Retail excellence — every transaction, every time
Enhanced service, elevated experiences by Clover
Tailored RFP for Growth
Quickly access money for your business
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Sell to anyone in multiple currencies
Understand your customer, staff and stock
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At Clover, we're dedicated to providing robust point-of-sale solutions that support local business owners and enhance customer experiences. We strive to be more than just a payments provider; we aim to be the engine powering small businesses toward greater efficiency and success.
Our debut at Easter Road was a huge success. During one of the busiest games of the season, we processed thousands of transactions flawlessly. Fans could get their snacks and drinks quickly without missing any action.
Thank you, Hibs, for trusting Clover to power your venue. Here's to a strong and prosperous partnership. Together, we can power more growth, excitement, and community connection.