1.49% transaction fee on all cards
Get up to £1,000 cashback
Find the right solution to power your business
Portable card machine
Small POS for your countertop
All-in-one dual‑screen POS
Take your business online
Simplify serving and amplify guest satisfaction
Retail excellence — every transaction, every time
Enhanced service, elevated experiences by Clover
Tailored RFP for Growth
Quickly access money for your business
Become a Clover partner
Sell to anyone in multiple currencies
Understand your customer, staff and stock
We're here to help
Quick answers to common questions
Clover easy-to-follow tutorials
Developer tools for Clover integration
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Stay safe with our secure card transaction processing. One less thing to worry about.
Manage and run your store through our cloud-based system. Everything you need at your fingertips.
Sell to customers in local currencies and get paid in your own. More choice – without the hassle.
Keep on top of ordering with our integrated stock control and inventory management. Automated so you get more time back in your day.
Manage your rotas and payroll across multiple stores more easily – all in one place.
Run sales reports in real-time through our Clover Dashboard and iOS or Android apps. More insights - without the guesswork.
I was looking for an alternative card payment system and potential replacement till. We found the perfect solution that’s not only far more efficient than our current system but financially beneficial too. The terminals were with us in no time.
Barbara Jones