1.49% transaction fee on all cards
Get up to £1,000 cashback
Find the right solution to power your business
Portable card machine
Small POS for your countertop
All-in-one dual‑screen POS
Take your business online
Simplify serving and amplify guest satisfaction
Retail excellence — every transaction, every time
Enhanced service, elevated experiences by Clover
Tailored RFP for Growth
Quickly access money for your business
Become a Clover partner
Sell to anyone in multiple currencies
Understand your customer, staff and stock
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Our library of Clover Shorts online tutorials provides a knowledge jumpstart for Clover capabilities you may not have adopted yet. Each of these to-the-point videos introduces tools that can not only help you make better use of your Clover equipment, but better manage your whole enterprise.
Clover apps help streamline your business operations, enhance customer engagement, and improve efficiency.
You can view your statements and transactions by using our Merchant Portal.
Once signed in, click on Financial Activity on the left, then the Statements and Invoices tab. From here you will be able to view and download your monthly statement.
If you require further support, you can contact our support team or your personal concierge via Email, Webchat or Phone.
You can view your transactions by using our Merchant Portal.
Once signed in, click on Financial Activity on the left, then the Transactions Tab.
Here you are able to see a list of the transactions taken. To change the time frame you are looking for, click the calendar icon at the top of the page.
If you require further support, you can contact our support team or your personal concierge via Email, Webchat or Phone.
If you have already registered, please follow the below link.
If you have not already registered, you should have received an email when you joined us, providing details on how to register. If you do not have these details, please contact our support team or your personal concierge via Email, Webchat or Phone.
You can reset your password by contacting our support team or your personal concierge via Email, Webchat or Phone.
We do not have fixed fees for our services but instead set our rates independently for each business based on a range of influencing factors including your current or projected turnover, whether you're new to taking card payments and what your average transaction value is.
When joining Clover UK, your Business Consultant will talk you through your individual rates. You will also be able to view these on your contract.
If you require further support, you can contact our support team or your personal concierge via Email, Webchat or Phone.
For our full list of frequently asked questions click here.