1.49% transaction fee on all cards
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Portable card machine
Small POS for your countertop
All-in-one dual‑screen POS
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Simplify serving and amplify guest satisfaction
Retail excellence — every transaction, every time
Enhanced service, elevated experiences by Clover
Tailored RFP for Growth
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The handheld POS system
Run and manage your business from the palm of your hand. Clover Flex is a portable device packed with all the features of a full POS.
After gathering several other quotes, Clover was by far the best available to us. Set up of the terminal couldn't have been more straightforward and all of our staff are really pleased at how simple it is to operate. We wouldn't hesitate in recommending Clover to anyone in the future.
Ward Aerials
Payments: Accepts chip, swipe, and contactless payments including Apple Pay®, Google Pay® and Samsung Pay®
Screen: A nearly- 6-inch hi-res anti-microbial touchscreen
Receipts: Built-in thermal dot printer that can email or text digital receipts
Security: End-to-end encryption
Camera Scanner: 1D/2D barcode scanner/camera
Connectivity: Wi-Fi, LTE Battery Life: At least 8 hours of use for a typical SME
Power your business with Clover’s fastest screen to date and the ability to run any of Clover’s software features.